Sunday, August 3, 2008

Open market at Little India, Singapore

savory spices
flagrance blossoms hung in rows
little India


bindhiya said...

Those are some beautiful pictures... god I was looking at those jasmine garland's. do you know it is all for temple.. those are offerings to god.. I can smell those flowers here :))
this is the beautiful sight i saw in last 7 years.. :))
love you dear one..
waiting to see you soon.

Shara said...

Hello Luv,
yes, I did know that the flowers were for offerings to the gods at the temples. I visited several to take pictures but was profoundly touched by the spiritually I felt just being there. I'm disappointed with the pictures that I took. I think I was just so distracted with being in the presence of something unseen that I couldn't focus on the task at hand.
See ya tomorrow,