Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year, New and Old Goals

My second cup of tea, a boiled egg and some cheese, maybe I should have some fruit too!
I want to make friends with my life as a solitary woman. To make this small abode my sanctuary and not just a closet for my things. The small living area holds my drawing table with no new drawings, an easel with an unfinished painting, a outdoor easel just taking up space with no work buzzing...above in pictures taken two summers the corner is my pink flowered reading chair next to light source with three books only partially read...stacks of books without the bookcase and a small dining table with a laptop! I'm moving some in that area but a storm is a coming...I know something is brewing within me, stirring up, building up...I want to be released from this slumber!
Rapunzal was trapped in her Tower...I three flights up, see this tiny place as my refuge, my hermitage, my studio, my nest....a test tube to create. I am impatient!


Leah said...

Hi Shara! I love the description of your artist's garrett. It sounds like an aerie to take off from!

Shara said...

That was the idea when I downsized and gave things away but the muse doesn't push. I'm stalled. Soon I need a release to create.

Unknown said...

It is true for the same year too. We need to decide the targets of the week and life progress. Though you can do the same for anytime works.
dsi r4

Shara said...

I think I just need to see the words written on the wall, the mirror, that tiny note pad lost inside my begin to believe I can..