Last summer, Sara and I took a Girls Road trip down the Texas coast for 8 days. It was my effort to draw her closer to me, to bridge the turmoil that had plagued our relationship since she turned 14. Somewhere between Port Aransas and Galveston Island, we bonded anew. We bonded as women and girls (mine is still very much alive thank you) on a fun adventure. Together we learned we could take care of ourselves, have fun and getting lost seemed to be more fun than driving directly to the spot. lol She & I still recount the highlights, the goofy things I did (getting lost regularly) and the accomplishments (one for her, learning to wind surf).
Now another opportunity has jumped in our laps. Her boyfriend Niz lives in Singapore. He has made two trips to visit with us along with his brother. Now we are on our way to Singapore for two weeks to spend time with his entire family and his mother's husband to be (who flew ahead of us last week). It's the trip of a lifetime and I know how lucky I am to share this with my daughter. Again the Girls Road trip is on...what wonderful firsts we will share forever! Memories do last forever, especially the unpleasant ones so the thought of being apart of her first trip abroad is mind blowing! My artsy part will be in Art History 101 heaven and so the camera will be my constant companion. Niz is so excited to show us his beloved country & so he should...actually Sara couldn't care less for the history or art but just wants to be with him. Yeah, I remember those days of being in LOVE...but I'm in love with my camera at the moment! lol Niz is taking us to a traditional Malaysian wedding (what luck is that!) and a birthday party (probably involving a nightclub). I hope to bring home lots of memories, photos and art ideas for the new school year. Definitely going to pass this on to my students. Do wish me luck at gathering the right material, not getting lost and being a good guest to our hostess, Maria. Since she will be marrying a Texan from Houston, I had a charm bracelet made up for her (silver with a tiny cowboy hat, the shape of Texas and the word Howdy). We can add to it as time goes on...hopefully!
Well, I'm doing everything but packin...guess who hates packing!
I hope you have a beautiful time. You are lucky to get to spend this time with you daughter. Enjoy yourself and be ready to tell us all about it when you get back.
Best of girly luck to you and yours on your trip across the seas.
Im looking forward to the photos to come.
Safe travels.
Well how funny. On the day you return from your adventure, I'm here to welcome you first!
Welcome home sweetie. I hope you had the time of your life and I can hardly wait to hear about it. I also want to thank you for your love and support the past few months. Your comments were very very special.
I'm sure you're exhausted, so I'll keep this short. We'll chat when you recover!!!
Much love,
Suze XO
Thanks Girls (Gig, Cecile & Suz)
Finally found access to get to the site.
Will fill everyone in on our adventures soon.
Love you all,
p.s. Suz, I'm counting on you to relax and get your strength back.
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