"I don't go too fast but I go pretty far."...lyrics from a song in the 70's I think but really appropriate now with the price of gas as it is. I can remember driving to New Orleans from Lafayette, La on a whelm with only $7 dollars to my name. That was the good old 70's and now I'm careful to drive to the grocery store.
I bought myself a new ...old style bike similar to the first two wheel bike I received for Christmas when I was twelve. Damn I was proud of that bike and still have a vintage picture standing next to it. I'll try to scan it in later. My brother David got one too. Since we were only eleven months apart, my mother sort of treated us like twins with matching outfits and milestones in life. Our first bikes, transistor radios, even rings one year....funny how some things stand out in your mind. I was comforted in the fact he didn't get makeup when I turned 15...lol.
Back to gas and the price we pay for the greed of some.
I wanted to visit my friend, Pat in Port Aransas but the cost of the travel and Singapore trip so soon...I had to be practical even though I really wanted to be "Girls just wanna have fun". Then talking with my mom in Texarkana, Texas, I grew lonesome and thought I could run down for a visit and then go visit Bindi who I promised to visit. The truth is the cost of even short trips can wreck modest budgets as my meager teacher's salary certainly falls into that category. Being a single parent with no one else to fall back on puts a kink in the chain....
and back to alternative methods of travel. Chain...bike chain...lol. Well, I plan to ride my vintage bike to work! Yes, I know it's daring at my age but I'll do a test run tomorrow to see how long it will take me. Puff...puff and sweaty! Today I'll drive the car thru the route to gage the mileage as it is really close to my apartment. Let's look at it as a Quest to improve my cash flow and physical well being. My legs could use some toning up and biking will help my overall exercise plan. I don't really need to lose weight as I'm a size 4 but it does look like the skin could use some muscle under it to improve the look! lol I hate the changes in my overall body tone so I hope to regain the muscle I loss from surgery and the life crazies for the past five years.
Wish me luck making it to work on time! How are you coping with the price of gas? How are you coping with the aging process? It's all about transitions...isn't it!
I bought myself a new ...old style bike similar to the first two wheel bike I received for Christmas when I was twelve. Damn I was proud of that bike and still have a vintage picture standing next to it. I'll try to scan it in later. My brother David got one too. Since we were only eleven months apart, my mother sort of treated us like twins with matching outfits and milestones in life. Our first bikes, transistor radios, even rings one year....funny how some things stand out in your mind. I was comforted in the fact he didn't get makeup when I turned 15...lol.
Back to gas and the price we pay for the greed of some.
I wanted to visit my friend, Pat in Port Aransas but the cost of the travel and Singapore trip so soon...I had to be practical even though I really wanted to be "Girls just wanna have fun". Then talking with my mom in Texarkana, Texas, I grew lonesome and thought I could run down for a visit and then go visit Bindi who I promised to visit. The truth is the cost of even short trips can wreck modest budgets as my meager teacher's salary certainly falls into that category. Being a single parent with no one else to fall back on puts a kink in the chain....
and back to alternative methods of travel. Chain...bike chain...lol. Well, I plan to ride my vintage bike to work! Yes, I know it's daring at my age but I'll do a test run tomorrow to see how long it will take me. Puff...puff and sweaty! Today I'll drive the car thru the route to gage the mileage as it is really close to my apartment. Let's look at it as a Quest to improve my cash flow and physical well being. My legs could use some toning up and biking will help my overall exercise plan. I don't really need to lose weight as I'm a size 4 but it does look like the skin could use some muscle under it to improve the look! lol I hate the changes in my overall body tone so I hope to regain the muscle I loss from surgery and the life crazies for the past five years.
Wish me luck making it to work on time! How are you coping with the price of gas? How are you coping with the aging process? It's all about transitions...isn't it!
Well, I'll tell ya...it ain't pretty. I was an overweight child so I began on the heavier side, but I've been a 6-8 my whole life because I run, run, run! When I got ill a few years ago, I had to be on medicine which made me gain weight and even though I lost it after a few years, I am simply not the same. I am 43 and there are dimples in places that never existed. I have decided, though, that I need to celebrate how beautiful I am and appreciate my beauty rather than focus on those little tiny imperfections. I hate that I think I look 55 when people often tell me they think I am 30. I am my own worst enemy and I despise that! Also, gas...well, in VT there is no getting there from here...so I spend $55 a week just to work in back and that's just me! My hubby works 15 miles from home too. Its terrible. Our most fun is riding motorcycles and thankfully, that's still affordable. Gosh...it's even expensive to mow the lawn! I think we'll get goats to eat the lawn. Maybe I can ride a goat to work each day? Camel? Though I jest, it is not pretty. Gas prices are cutting into our savings. Maybe I can ride Rosie...she's big enough!
Isn't it ironic that our worst enemy is our own perceptions. I'm convinced that I have missed out on so much happiness in my life because of overthinking situations. But it's addictive behavior and very nearly impossible to stop! My daily work on myself is to let more roll down my back ...to ignor the stuff I can't control and forget trying to understand why someone was an ass to me. A good sense of humor helps
between thoughts....
Let's get on our bikes and ride!
Dear Shara,
Hope you having a wonderful day!
today i got my lerners permit...but sure am going to find a bike and baby seat...am sure the one with training wheel will be great..and i can do it... :))
I will be looking forward to hear about singapore trip...enjoy your special time with your daughter..
we will meet oneday...when that time will come that will happen...
love you sweetie..
dear sweet bindi,
I'm so proud of you...driving permit and a bike....go girl! You and the baby will love riding your bike with her behind you. You get exericise and she sees the world for a new altitude! lol Just be careful of what you give her to snack on while ridin'...it may end up on your back ...lol...I had so many popsicles down the back in those days!
I'll keep you in touch and yes I will make the trip. I'm excited about trip but somewhat nervous about being so far without someone I know well. It's all an adventure.
Dear Shara,
Thank you sweetie...
life is full of adventures!!! when i came to work in NY I don't know anyone...no friends, family nothing....
you'll be fine sweetie...
have a look at my place... you have something there :))
love and ((hugs))
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