So I just waited and hoped for the best! Not everything works out smoothly and so my newest episode is not surprising. My youngest daughter had been staying with my oldest son and family. He and his wife were having a rough spell and his wife called me to complain and enlist help with my son. "Warning moms....don't do what I did!" I called my very angry and emotional son. Bad Move for Mom. Not a good conversation followed with the couple bonding at being angry with me! Serves me right, I suppose going to my daughter-n-law's defense and telling my son he was acting like a -ss .
So the results are: No calls to Grandmother this weekend BUT....Sara is home again!
She asked to come home and agreed to get counseling and clean her room! lol
But wait ...it gets better, Sara and I are going to Singapore for two weeks in June. Crazy cool it is that her Singapore boyfriend's mom has invited me and Sara for a visit . It's an incredible journey to share with my daughter and I can only believe it will draw us closer together. At the very least, we will share a twenty three hour flight times 2, changing planes three times, three cities before Singapore....all the drama that comes with international travel and of course...we're experiencing so much together for the first time.
God is so good...so unpredictable and surprisingly creative!
Okay, so I went to bed crying and woke up crying because my soon-to-be-18 year old daughter said she was moving everything out of her room at my house just because I asked her (for the millionth time) to clean it. I threatened to put everything in trash bags and throw them away if she did not. Well, she is here cleaning, but still is staying with her father. I can't seem to accept the fact that I left her father 8 years ago and ruined my little perfect family. (The marriage was terrible, but the little family part was wonderful...and I can't stop mourning that...) Anyway, the room is getting cleaned as I write this. Have fun in Singapore...wow. I've been to Canada...that's it for world travel for me. I am jealous but VERY happy for you. Peace and Love. Have you seen the movie Across the Universe?
Ain't motherhood crazy and shouldn't they (babies) come with a manual attached to their tiny toes...giving us all the details. With my 6 offspring...none operates the same...so very confusing! My 17 year old keeps a dirty room too but I can't get her to live with her dad!
I do understand your grief for the family you thought you had. Forgive me if I say thought as my marriage to Sara's dad was a farce as he was but I had worked so hard on my family it was difficult to let go of my fantasy, even in the face of his abuse. So before I completely disappeared, I ran to have a life, for my soul to be me again. It's been eight years and still I have weak moments when I remember the good times but it doesn't last long. Learning to like myself again is harder than I thought.
Hey, I do like you and your bare fists with words....you're going to be fine.
Everything happens for a reason... at this moment we don't know why it happened..but time will reveal everything...
am so happy to hear sara is in home and decided to listen to you...
love you sweetie.
Hey Bindi,
Home but is she really listening? I'm not crazy enough to believe that...I'll take what I can get for the moment!
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