This isn't original but worthy of reprinting since it is Springtime!
Flowers play an important role in our daily lives. Research indicates that people feel more compassionate, have less worry and anxiety, and feel less depressed when around fresh-cut flowers. The Home Ecology of Flowers Study at Harvard uncovered these findings:
Flowers feed compassion. Study participants who lived with fresh-cut flowers felt an increase in feelings of compassion and kindness.
Flowers chase away anxieties, worries and the blues. Overall, study participants simply felt less negative after being around flowers for just a few days. Participants reported wanting to see the blooms first thing in the morning.
Flowers provide an energy boost, happiness and enthusiasm. The study found that people were more likely to feel happier and have more enthusiasm and energy at work when flowers were in their home living environments.
Dear Shara,
Hope you having a peaceful weekend!
Flower research was interesting!
but we all know without any research we all know flowers can bring happiness...
love you sweetie!
J***** C***** get out of my way with your d**** theory lady. I'm b******, and not in the mood to be kind or generous. Take that study and shove it up your a**.
Oh...just kiddin'! The study is correct. Flower have a profound effect on one's ability to cope. I fill the house with them in an effort to avoid the above. I've been known to put 5-10 bouquets on one table! What's that say about me? Yup, you're correct, I'm desperate!
Honey, welcome home. I'd hoped to blog about you but haven't gotten around to a new post, so just thought I'd stop by an say hey and make my apologies. You had a welcome home party before I arrived and it just broke my heart! My first thought was "Hey what about me sista? I didn't even get my Manolo Blahniks through the door before Bindi scarfed all the fruit. Perhaps next time. Please wait till I arrive. I was only a few hours late. Traffic in your city was wicked!
Love you and welcome home.
Dear little sis,
Bindi I didn't have a peaceful weekend but I made up my mind to make it peaceful in my heart. This flower piece reminded me of how much I miss having a yard. I plan to go to the city's botanical gardens for pics...that should help.
Sister Suzanne,
You scared me! I thought I had jump into it for sure...you wicked child!
Not to worry about the welcome back although you were very missed. I must admit I thought I had run my course but I did talk to myself about understanding that people have complicated lives. Mine had hit some really interesting lows and highs recently which I do not wish to air on my blog...imagine that? I really do hold back!
I'm missing the flowers and the ability to grow some in a backyard so I did to plant some pots. I too put flowers about but since I buy them or pick wild ones...I don't always have as many as I think my heart needs. At the moment...I could devour a truck load.
this will pass..I'm going to the park to photograph some...I'll show ya later..sis
they're springing (oops to that pun) up everywhere and certainly lifting my spirits
In my case, I live in an over managed apartment complex where even the flowers are organized into tidy predictable rows with an "ughe" theme! I love seeing nature naturally springing forth!
and so, puns suit me just fine!
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