i hide behind my camera
it covers the loneliness and awkwardness I feel
each snapshot converts a single moment of pleasure into a forever memory
i gather visual memories to comfort myself though this lost period
i have always stored beautiful pictures whether they be scribblings as a child on lined school paper, sketches of pastels and pens as a young art student, lines and splashes of color on canvas as a teacher, and of course the most complex of all...the use of words to attempt to paint an emotion or moment in one's life.
with every exploration, i grow
with every mistake or success, i learn
i think I'm finally learning to love me again!
I came across your blog by chance not long ago. I rarely post comments on any of the blogs I stalk, but today the first few lines of your writing touched me. Your pictures are beautiful but I find your writing soulful.
Thanks for enriching our lives with this beauty. We all love you a little more for it. So with each snapshot you take, our love grows for you just as your love for yourself grows. Leaps and bounds, my friend. Leaps and bounds.
all those photos are stunningly beautiful...
i enjoy them all..
hope you having a good week..
♥ & ((hugs))
Yes, I just love this and the last post. Inspiring, as your posts so often are.
Thank you, Shara!
Hi Dana,
Some might call me a drama Queen..lol but I just don't care anymore what people label me as I write how I feel. Somehow I've always known that others feel as deeply as I and that it has a place. Thank you for stopping by and letting me know my words meant something to you too!
thanks Cecile,
I feel like I have the best extended family ever. You're so kind and I hope we all remain friends for a very long time.
My day is just a bit happier now!
Sweet little sis,
When I visit, I will take some pictures of you and the baby girl!
Arkansas is so beautiful in the spring...
Dear Leah,
Aspiring, well I have to think about it some as you should know I just sort of write from the heart or hip (not too much rewriting other than the spellchecker). I hope that means I'm being true to you and myself which is why I chose to explain how I deal with being alone now. Maybe someone else feels awkward and uncomfortable too or possibly could give me advice. I is better since I have blogger friends like you who support and give so freely.
Thanks love,
Beautiful pictures, words that touched my heart and soul...I am so glad that you have chosen to share your experiences with us.
Dearest Shara,
It is likened to opening pandora's box... you know what you are conditioned to think, but once you start opening you find that there is no bottom. You have so much to offer - and after reading the above comments it is my / our sincere wish that you explore to your hearts content. Between the thoughts and the pictures your true character shines bright in the night, you will never be alone ... hugs and kisses M.E.
Sweet and kind Gig,
Isn't it wonderful that I have been blessed with such wonderful & kind people around me. Karma, my turn, fate, God's hand or luck...any or all of these could explain my fortunate situation...having friends to pour out to!
My Dearest Cookie (Duncan),
It was you who helped me find that stored away box and it was you who have me the encouragement to test the hinges. Thank you one for helping me find myself again. You're right there is no going back and so I look forward to the new chapters of Queenie!
to the moon & back,
And bringing up the rear...
Beautiful post. Photos are stunning, words moving. Wow. You always blow me away, but this one is special. I love that you're finally beginning to love yourself.
Inspired by Leah and Robyn, I've been thinking about a "give-away" on my blog. I've been mulling it over the past week and have decided to give away a wee piece of art in response to the question "What do you love about yourself." Often woman don't love themselves and it's high time they did. I was looking at myself in the mirror the other morning and thinking "UGH!" Then I really looked and thought, "Wow, I have nice shoulders." I'd never noticed, and I'm 48. How odd. I want women (and men) to really reflect and take a good look at themselves.
Hopefully no one will see this. Just you and me. So get ready honey. You could win!
Love you darling. Really, I do. I'm so grateful we met and that you bless all of us with such honesty and truth.
That is so COOL Suzanne!
I would love a piece of your art and of course I do understand what you're feeling when you study your image in the mirror. I'm convinced that we women distort what is really reflected and see something much different from reality. We are most critical and unkind to ourselves at a time when we should be acknowledging our assets and not our flaws.
I'll certainly give the assignment a try...as always I'm grateful for your kind words, support and love.
Love from Texas,
Love you sweetie. Thanks for the kind comment. I'm still workin' on it!
If you have time, please stop by the "Cafe." It's Robyn's birthday today and I have something you might enjoy and if time permits, please leave a comment for her. She needs it. She's feeling a bit low.
Love you honey,
It looks that I will have to start viewing your page from work. Every time I try to view it from home, it freezes my computer and I have to shut it down. Not sure why, but I see you haven't posted in a few days, so I hope that you are O.K. and just busy. Talk to you soon. Cecile
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