There are a few events in my city that I look forward to, one of them is the annual Main Street Art Festival. Every year the white tents are pitched in the middle of downtown and people fill the streets to enjoy listening to music on three stages, art on display in every imaginable genre and of course the festival food and drink.
I particularly enjoy the huge smoked turkey legs which gives everyone eating them a medieval appearance. Oh, the curly fries, dipping dots...and this year "Vegetable Stir Fry"! Yup, in Texas something that's actually good for you.
I of course turned in my 12 tickets (that's how they get you and make sure the event gets it's cut from the vendors...you have to buy tickets to purchase your food and drinks with)...like I said, I turned in my 12 tickets for a heaping box of vegan fry. Grabbing a set of chopsticks, I stroll through the art and music before me. It was a fine weekend indeed. You don't always have to leave home to discover something wondrous.
My favorite part of the festival is always watching the people taking in the event. There are couples on dates (you can tell that right away from the nervous body language if they don't know each other that well or being slightly overdressed for the street). Of course the families are out in great numbers with children in tow, trying to fill up gaps of culture into little heads. You can spot them 'cause their kids have painted cherub faces with fanciful masks from the children's art area. Having your face painted is a really big deal for the kids and a really big pain for the parents waiting in ungodly long lines for their little one to become a fantasy creature. This group has a side issue as they come with every sporty stroller imaginable, some even have double occupancy and so you must be vigilant when walking among them as they often claim the right of way. A girl could easily be run over and left on the street helpless among the paper cups and corny dog sticks! I always cross to the other side if time permits.
I shouldn't forget our four legged friends and any other exotic pets a Texan is willing to drag to an outdoor event so he or she will get noticed. Yes, I got a problem with people dragging their pets to these events! I have had long conversations with my own dog but he refused to discuss art with me because he thinks I'm to opinionated. Anyway...I just think it's stupid and cruel to subject them to the heat and dress them in ridiculous outfits. It's like the owners need an arena to display their pet/egos...but I do look and sometimes comment "how cute", so what does that say about my ego?
There's the over fifty set,me included... walking slowing through the exhibits in thought provoking conversation about this artist's influence on that artist or "I could do that" or "How do they decide the prices?"...they might buy a few pieces but it's mostly for a pleasant day out. There's the teenagers whom roam about looking for people to be looking at them...(actually they are quite fun to observe, so fearless in behavior and fashion).
Did I leave out anyone? Oh, yes the group that come to any free outdoor event where there's music and alcohol! That group hangs around the stages and the beer concessions in packs, checking out the opposite sex whose is doing the exact same thing until the two groups join forces into a happy inebriated pack. All is simpatico...all is light and simple. It's amazing to witness how beautifully we humans can tolerate each other's company in the right place at the right time. I think it's the vibes from the art...the creative leftovers one receives from just viewing a good piece of art or listening to some great music or witnessing talent...it just seems to seep into us and for a time we are free from our worries, our troubles or whatevers...we're just content to be!
Dear Shara,
Have a great time...I wish am there...just to see happy people around... :))
Please check my place....
I have something for you :))
♥ & ((hugs))
Yes Bindi dear,
I did have a great time, always do and worked with other art teachers who were assisting their students who had their art for sale at the event. Great day for us all!
Hey there,
I haven't been able to get on your blog at home. It keeps freezing up my computer, and finding time at work seems to be a struggle. Please, know that I"m not ignoring you or anything. I hope you are having a great week, and the festival looks really fun. Talk to you soon. Cece
Hey there Cece,
I'm sorry about the freeze deal...not easy to deal with. So glad you found a way around it to say hello. Should we report it to blogger?
It's Cinco de Mayo weekend here, BIG hispanic holiday so I hope to get some decent photos. Check ya later,
Hi, I have been having trouble leaving messages on posts, but I also haven't had a lot of time to spare lately~ I love your festival photos. Some things in life really do hit our hearts in a special way. Your photos made me feel like I was there.
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