a slice of cantaloupe on a warm summer day
one big bite from a moon pie
a tall ice cold glass of sweet tea when you're really thirsty
lyin' on your bed with nothin' on but the box fan coolin' your body in the afternoon
sittin' on the front porch after the sun sat down listening to frogs, crickets and owls sing
barefooted walk through freshly mowed grass
lying in tall grasses tracing critters in the clouds with your eyes
the smell of freshly turned earth as you dig your toes in a mound meant for planting
first taste of a freshly picked garden tomato sprinkled with salt
drinking water straight from the hose then arching a rainbow over the neighbor's fence
catching the sun's last wave snuggled next to daddy on the concete porch
"to be continued".....
I thought I would just write what sang to me this morning at school. Actually the first two lines only..."I heard it with a southern accent, my southern childhood rich with verbal cues and visual vignettes." I miss what home was! I miss that time but I remember how I purposely studied moments and images as if I were documenting it for prosperity. I'm amazed that I can instantly rewind and replay the snippets of my life with incredible detail. So vivid are my visions that it's often difficult to separate the real smells, sounds, textures, and colors from memories. The memories are strong ones, memories linked to love, happiness and feeling safe. My childhood was far from typical, or free from sorrow and pain but somehow I instinctually knew to save back and treasure the good moments.
*I was thinking about someone special in my life this morning. Somehow I link these happy sensations with his presence in my life...LOL...I don't even know if he likes cantaloupe!
I love this poem, Shara. I've also been thinking a great deal about what we take away from our childhoods--the intense impressions and feelings. You're so lucky to have "saved" these things from your own past.
Just a couple of days till Italy!
Those memories are wonderful, and the sunset picture is mesmurizing. I love sunset pictures. Actually, I just love sunsets, and sunrises, and the moon. I think I just love life, and it sound that you love it too. I cannot wait to meet you. I know we will feel as comfortable as two old friends that have known each other for years!! I am starting to worry about Sweet Bindi, though. I have not hear from her this week. I thought she would have called me by now. We are suppose to visit one another this Saturday again. I am looking forward to that too. She is such a wonderful person. If I don't get back in here to say something to you before you leave for your trip, I wish you a safe return and enjoy yourself to the fullest.
Beautiful... As if you knew... that here in Australia its 40degrees celcius... i dont know what that is in fahrenheit...but its hot...darn hot ;)...
Thank you for the cool of your love,
that sang to me today,
With love, M
Dear leah,
Thankyou but I'm not sure if it's a finished piece yet. I think I need my english teacher to edit my thoughts. I just write when I hear the words in my mind, well more like a visual.
Childhood is our field to plant dreams, some seeds take, others die from lack of norishment.
Hey Girl (Cecile),
Yes, I think we will feel really comfortable when we get together. Little Bindi is on my mind too but I think our young one is the strongest of us three. Her wisdom transcends her youth, she is well she wants to be. I look so forward to sitting to tea with the two of you.
this trip is so exciting but my homestead hasn't been calm for weeks now. Nevertheless I leave for Italy in two sleeps! Yeah
Hello Maithri,
So kind for you to say! I'm sort of experimenting by writing on the blog as you would a rough draft or free write...hope to get some feedback to improve.
Sorry about the heat, it's about 48 to 68 degrees here...rather cool in mornings but very comfortable mid day. Our hot season is about two months away...then you can write me a cooling verse to help me! lol
Love from Texas,
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