In the center ring, is Queenie and her adorables as they perform yet another life changing transformation from teen child to semi adult thinking teen! Watch as she makes her move to motivate and encourage the younglings to be responsible for their own actions! Did you see that... the youngest is making attempts at improving her situation in life and seems to be showing signs of gratitude. Why I think I see a faint smile on the Queen's face as she witnesses two of her offspring bond in an act of cooperation and courage to help each other through a difficult time. All this with only a cell phone to assist the teentamer in this most daring feat!
Direct your attention to the smaller ring where the adult Queenie deals with life's pitfalls and in this case, "Replacing the carpet...$$$". She courageously marches into the headmaster's ring to offer a deal...and look...he nods yes! Yes, the crowd applause's as Queenie saves her budget and keeps her dignity! Another lesson learned.
As our final act of the day, let me direct you to the ring in the wings. Here is where Queenie practices being on her own as a individual...as a single woman dealing with loneliness and anxiety for the future. There in the distance is someone waiting for her to let go of her fears and just fly!
Queenie is going to be just fine!
Dear Shara,
Yes, dear, You will be fine!
in any difficult situation there will be some solution...from my experience...the first year I was in NY...I need to send some extra money to my parents and i was worried how am going to make it....and got a part time job as translator....i never forget that incident and the place i was working payed me bonus for new year...i was just worried for no reason...
you have loving family and sure you will be fine..
love you and ((hugs))
Dear Bindi,
I thought maybe using metaphors might make it difficult to read but that's what my life feels like sometimes. The picture only shows two rings...rings Duncan gave me when he visited this summer (that's another emotional circus in itself).
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