Sunday, February 17, 2008

She's got a red dress!

What is it about wearing red that brings out the boldness in a woman. Bullfighters use it to entice the bull to make a dangerous mistake...maybe it's a unconscious signal that she's up for an adventure or mischief.
So yes, Saturday night I worn this little red dress with red heels and yes I felt very sexy and dangerous. I felt powerful, in control and scared all at the same moment I made my entrance into my favorite latin nightclub. I did have a trench coat over the little red number but sooner than later with all the heat coming from so many bodies in the club, it would be necessary to take the coat off. Deep breathe and off goes my disguise and plop I sit at the bar across from my friendly bartender and manager of the club. Nice to see a friendly smile when one is on a daredevil mission of sorts. He and I are more than casual friends and so the dress was for him. I realized that and as soon as he saw me...I wanted so much for a positive reaction. He does have a beautiful sincere smile that sort of lite up when he focused on me. He immediately compliments my appearance. I know, I know, I'm suppose to be about more than that...the physical and I shouldn't worry about my body's decline but sometimes a girl needs to hear she's attractive.
So I glowed for hours as I sipped on a fruity wine drink that he makes special for me. I like that the place is packed beyond safety code, the latin beat moving the latin bodies everywhere and everyone is in a state of celebration. Young hispanic men strutting about and the flirtatous and sexy young hispanic women taunting and teasing with their sensuous dancing. Everyone seemed to be happy and complemently hamonious with the beat and the atmosphere of festival. It was all so intoxicating to watch this mass of humanity swaying through the night.
Perched on a high stool at the perfect corner of the counter I could observe the sychopated dance between the four bartenders who were trying to stay ahead of the thirsty crowd. Like a well rehearsed broadway dance routine the barkeeps swerved and whirled around and between each other while juggling bottles of liguor to pour connoctions topped with limes, cherries, oranges and lemons. Three streams of liquid flows over ice into glasses simutaneously as the other hand adds the garnish with a small straw for each set of lips. Faster and faster the ballet moved, his smile acknowledging the next customer then off in a whirlwind of practiced repetitive moves to create, uncap, serve, tally the cost , collect the money and return change if any is to be return. Paper bills go into containers to show graditude for the performance, for the well made drink, for the smile and for the night of celebration.
I sip and watch and on occasion recieve some special attention from the one I have come to visit at his place of business. "Welcome to my crazy world", he says. I watch and take it all in as though everyone was performing for me observe people being free of their daily routines, possibly harsh lives and unending deadlines and to do lists. Somehow I got free too as I joined spiritually with the joyful crowd by returning smiles and laughter, striking up conversations to learn why they left their homeland to come to america. This was a collection of grateful people....happy to be able to celebrate a better life and a chance for more.
The lights turned up and traditional mexican music began to play and without being cued the entire club sang outloud with such emotion that I instinctively knew it reminded them of home, of their family and their culture. I wanted to be apart of their culture just then, to know what the words meant and to feel that ache in my chest which says, "I miss home". But I do know what it feels like to be on a island with nothing familiar around you. You cling to things, to visuals memories, foods and music to calm the fear of the unknown, to comfort yourself in your new situation. We are all strangers in a new life experience whether it's a new school, new job, marriage, divorce or death.
Tonight I didn't feel so alone in my new world as a single fifty something woman. I made a few acquaintenaces and my friend made sure I knew that the little red dress was a good choice.


bindhiya said...

Dear Shara,
Red dress Rocks!!
am so happy for you dear
♥ & ((hugs))

Shara said...

Oh, thanks bindi,
I had a great night and such fun watching people be at their best!
You're an angel for me,